Herbal Apothecary
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Mineral Booster 75g
Mineral Booster 75g
Organic Herbal Infusion.
A combination of 5 mineral-rich herbs to optimise mineral status and deeply nourish your body.
This isn’t a standard herbal tea.
Mineral Booster is a premium, hand-made herbal formula, delivering 4 cups of mineral-rich herbal infusion per serve.
Infused in hot water over hours, this slow steeping allows more time to extract an optimal amount of minerals and plant constituents out of the herbs, ready to remineralise & support your body upon consuming.
I haven’t seen anything similar to this formula cross my path - she feels a bit unique!
Akin to a food as medicine approach, drinking Mineral Booster has you consuming minerals:
In their natural forms (not the synthetics found in supplements).
In their natural amounts and ratios.
In smaller, regular, food as medicine dosages, the way nature always intended nutrients to be consumed and absorbed.
This approach also reduces most chances of side effects associated with high dose mineral supplementation (e.g. diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting).
Come Meet The Formula:
Expand each herb below to meet Mineral Booster <3
A potently alkalising herb which helps to remove acidity from the body.
This action also leads to a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, as well as modulating and optimising fluid balance within the body via the kidneys.
A beautiful heart tonic, matched by the intense pink/red colour of these flowers.
Hibiscus carries evidence showing its capacity to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol (when high).
Its vitamin C and bioflavonoid content also offers strong antioxidant activity, preventing cellular damage from free radicals.
A herb to reconnect you with love & feminine energy whilst enlivening the senses.
This is the herb that gives Mineral Booster its beautiful red colour and zesty, citrusy flavour.
The herb/plant with the highest silica content known on Earth. It is fantastic for supporting the health of bone, hair, skin, nails and connective tissue.
Silica is required for the incorporation of calcium into new bone, of which Horsetail contains both.
Energetically, Horsetail is fantastic for helping set strong boundaries for our time, energy and resources as we journey through our world, relationships, work and life events.
A blood building herb used commonly for people who are anaemic, worn out, fatigued or depleted.
Nettle is known to one of the most mineral dense herbal medicines, helping the body in making new, healthy blood cells to properly oxygenate the body.
Many people can be iron deficient, which still doesnt improve even with high-dose supplementation. Not only does Nettle contain iron, energetically is also helps our body and spirit to assimilate nutrients and concepts - how to truly receive the nutrients from what we consume.
Nettles provides us an opportunity to slow down, to enter the ‘rest and digest’ phase, which allows us to process life events and truly digest and absorb our food.
A beautiful nervine herb that calms and soothes a stressed, frazzled or burnt out nervous system.
Helps you to feel grounded, peaceful, supported and calm, with scientific evidence showing use for those withdrawing from addictive substances.
Think of a hearty, warm bowl of oat porridge and how nutritive and nourishing this is to the body. Oatstraw offers similar actions, supporting a robust and sturdy constitution that can easily weather whatever storm.
*Australian grown
The Mineral Booster Mineral Profile:
* References listed at bottom of page
Pour 750ml - 1L of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of dried herbs.
Steep for 4-12hrs. Longer steeping will optimise mineral extraction.
If steeping and not immediately drinking, Mineral Booster can be placed in the fridge for storage. For example, if it is prepared and steeped overnight, to be drunk throughout the next day, it can be put in the fridge in that morning to maintain freshness.
Strain and drink. Enjoy!
Of course, always use your discernment and intuition if you are sensitive, or feel called to a different dosage or strength.
Anyone of any gender who feels their mineral status could be optimised and supported.
Anyone with the below signs or symptoms that point to low mineral status.
Pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women/people with increased nutrient demand.
Stressed, busy, burnt out or convalescing people.
People with chronic inflammatory or autoimmune conditions.
People who struggle to drink enough water.
Children with nutrient deficiencies, who are fussy eaters or don't drink enough water (here you could use Mineral Booster as a smoothie or ice block base with frozen berries, protein powder, banana etc).
Why Minerals?
Perhaps you’re familiar with some of the main minerals our bodies need to thrive:
Silica etc
Deficiencies and sub-optimal mineral levels are incredibly common in our society. Why?
To me, minerals reflect both practical and more esoteric aspects of our health.
Below is some further information on the following:
What minerals do in the body
(Support the production of energy molecules, blood cells, immune cells, new bone, brain chemicals and SO much more)
Signs & symptoms of mineral deficiencies
(poor energy, sleep, immunity, hair, skin, nails - the list goes on!)
What factors deplete our minerals and/or increase our demand for them
(stress, sleep issues, pregnancy, breastfeeding, caffeine, alcohol etc)
Cellular energy production.
Production of immune cells.
Engaging the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system responses.
Creation of neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin & dopamine) which govern mood, cognition & memory.
Establishing and maintaining sleep.
Production of strong bone tissue.
Modulating fluid balance.
Required for healthy collagen/connective tissue, found within our gut, joints, hair, skin and nails.
Transportation of nutrients and waste in and out of the cell.
Production of red blood cells, who carry oxygen throughout the body.
Liver detoxification.
Antioxidant processes, combatting cell-damaging free radicals.
Fatigue/ low energy
Poor or low mood
Sleep issues/ insomnia
Poor stress tolerance/ low resilience to stress
Brain fog, or, poor concentration and memory
Lowered immunity/ ability to fight infections
Fluid retention
Frequent urination with drinking fluids
Poor teeth & bone health
Compromised gut and joint health
Brittle hair or excessive hair loss
Brittle, peeling or white spots on nails
Poor cellular health - premature aging, disease development
Chronic diseases
Coffee/energy drinks/caffeine
Refined sugar and carbohydrates
Lack of wholefoods/ diet high in refined foods
Sleep issues
Frequent illness/chronic illness
Inflammatory conditions
With so many of us low in key minerals, Mineral Booster was created to support the mineral status & health of your beautiful body.
Organic, vibrant plants are truly one of our richest natural sources of minerals on this planet.
To me, being mineral rich is to be rooted into the Earth, grounded, strong and nourished by her. It’s carrying a strong sense of belonging and knowing our place.
Are our widespread issues with mineral deficiency a sign post for our disconnection with the land? Of how our high and constant levels of stress lead us to become ungrounded?
Minerals are of the Earth - her crust and core are literally made of them. I can’t think of better allies to help us reconnect, ground, and remember our place than plant medicines. Ever giving, benevolent and generous with their healing gifts, plants sync us back into nature and help us heal while they do it.
So let this blend flood your cells with soothing, supportive minerals. The herbs will also then help you to build resilience, support your adrenals, remove acidity, strengthen your blood and vital force, and soothe fried nerves - they remedy all the things that make us ungrounded & mineral deficient in the first place!
There’s always so many layers and ways herbal medicines are supporting you to be well, the benefits of which are so far beyond a synthesised mineral tablet in a bottle…
Remineralising the body is akin to reigniting your vitality and life force. Magic.
As is! (How I drink it).
Refrigerate to drink as an iced tea.
Squeeze in some lemon juice for an extra zesty drink.
Combine with mint leaves, berries or cucumber slices for a summery iced tea.
Top up with some soda water & garnishes for a lightly sparkling beverage.
Safety, Contraindications & Allergens
Safe 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
I recommend to leave Mineral Booster for the 1st trimester whilst the pregnancy establishes, as it’s best practice to avoid any intervention (natural or pharmaceutical) beyond the absolute essentials during this time.
The ideal time to consume Mineral Booster is the 2nd and 3rd trimesters when nutrient and fluid requirements increase.
All herbs in this formula are safe for children. Adjust the dosage and provide an age appropriate volume (e.g. small cup for younger children).
Warfarin - avoid (some herbs contain vitamin K which can interrupt warfarin working)
Lithium - avoid (the high mineral content of the herbs can affect lithium levels)
Health Conditions:
Cardiac or renal failure with oedema - avoid
Avoid if known allergens to any of the herbs within the formula.
Oats naturally do not contain gluten, but are often exposed to it due to cross-contamination with gluten-containing grains during food manufacture.
Oatstraw is a totally separate plant part and is not used in food production.
Therefore, it is not exposed to these grains when used for herbal preparations and is safe to consume by those with coeliac disease, gluten allergy or intolerance.
Product is otherwise free from all major allergens (gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, nuts, corn etc).
Please always email me at hello@naturopathclairemurray.com if you have any specific safety or drug-herb interaction questions, I’m always happy to help.
1. Karayilanli, E., & Ayhan, V. (2016). Investigation of feed value of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) harvested at different maturity stages. Legume Research - an International Journal, 2(39). https://doi.org/10.18805/lr.v0iof.9292
2. U.S Department of Agriculture. (2018). Alfalfa seeds, sprouted, raw. FoodData Central; Agricultural Research Service. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/168384/nutrients
3. Salami, S. O., & Afolayan, A. J. (2021). Evaluation of nutritional and elemental compositions of green and red cultivars of roselle: Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Scientific Reports, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-80433-8
4. TRC Healthcare. Hibiscus sabdariffa. Hibiscus Sabdariffa Monograph. Retrieved 2022, from https://www.vital.ly/trc/Hibiscus-sabdariffa/monograph=674/
5. Badole, S., & Kotwal, S. (2014). Equisetum arvense: Ethanopharmacological and Phytochemical review with reference to osteoporosis. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Health Care, 1(4), 131–141. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/278585309_Equisetum_arvense_Ethanopharmacological_and_Phytochemical_review_with_reference_to_osteoporosis
6. Asgharikhatooni, A., Bani, S., Hasanpoor, S., Mohammad Alizade, S., & Javadzadeh, Y. (2015). The effect of equisetum arvense (horse tail) ointment on wound healing and pain intensity after episiotomy: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Iranian Red Crescent medical journal, 17(3), e25637. https://doi.org/10.5812/ircmj.25637
7. Rutto, L. K., Xu, Y., Ramirez, E., & Brandt, M. (2013). Mineral Properties and Dietary Value of Raw and Processed Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioicaL.). International Journal of Food Science, 2013, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/857120
8. Adhikari, B. M., Bajracharya, A., & Shrestha, A. K. (2015). Comparison of nutritional properties of Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) flour with wheat and barley flours. Food science & nutrition, 4(1), 119–124. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.259
9. Singh, R., De, S., & Belkheir, A. (2013). Avena sativa(Oat), A Potential Neutraceutical and Therapeutic Agent: An Overview. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 53(2), 126–144. https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2010.526725
Oh, And In Case You Were Wondering…
Tea = small quantity of herbal material steeped in hot water for a small amount of time (e.g. 5-10 minutes).
Infusion = larger quantity of herbal material steeped in hot water for a prolonged period (e.g. hours - overnight) for increased extraction & benefits.
I’m SO excited for this formula to make its way into your hands, and for you to feel the benefits of its nourishment.
I can’t wait to hear how you find it.
All my love,
Any products made or distributed by Claire Murray and/or Spirit Botanica are not designed to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or medical condition. Any information on this website is not a replacement for professional medical advice - please seek it where required, and to discuss if these products are suitable for your presentation and compatible with any prescribed medications.
Any information or health claims made on this website have not been reviewed by the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA).