Stuck? Feeling Big Things? The 1 Thing You Can Do
/If it's all feeling too much, too big or too unknown, tap into the once resource that is always here waiting, holding you and rising to meet you - however you're feeling.
Audio Transcript
Next time you're struggling with something, you don't have the answer for something, you're wondering about something - an unknown, an angst. I invite you to do one thing.
Just go outside.
Go outside and find a patch of nature. And let the environment transform you. It may not mean that the answer will come to you. It may not mean that you will get insight necessarily, although you very well may.
But she will hold you, Earth will meet you. She will soothe you, and the trees and the grass and the flowers and the animals and the insects they will provide solace.
It is impossible for this to not happen.
It is one of our most beautiful jobs, being a human being on this planet, and also one of our rights, and also something that the Earth asks us to do, to anchor things into her.
And maybe we think that this has to be sunshine and happiness and joy and gifts that were meant to give her, but all she asks us to do is show up in our most raw and human state. Where there can be anguish, or mourning or loss or shame or guilt or anger. Or rage or resentment.
And she says to you: gift this to me, anchor your energy into the Earth. Put your rage into me, put your loss into me. Gift it to me, because I want it all.
So all you have to do when you're struggling with something, all I invite you to do, if you feel like you can't do anything else, if nothing else feels possible or doable, understandable...
Just go outside. Go out into nature. Let the wind be curious over your skin, and let all of the natural things around you soothe you. Even if that's all they do in that moment, but put your anguish, put your questions, put your uncertainty out into the Earth.
Anchor it into everything that you can see around and let that yearning to know what to change or transcend to be there.
And then ask: what do I need to know? What guidance can you give me about this? How can we work on this together? And it is so fascinating and so beautiful, but also feels like a total homecoming and total remembering at the same time - to see what can rise up to you.
And that all comes from just walking outside.