Welcome to Processing PMS!

Your resource kit for meeting the emotional or physical symptoms experienced during your premenstrual period, and using them as a gateway to healing, accessing deep insights from your body, and learning about the energy rhythms of your unique body.

How to use this program:

The resources in this program have been laid out below in sequential order. They take you through a journey of:

  • Orientating to the resources (Intro),

  • Learning about the menstrual cycle and it’s different phase,

  • Reflecting on your general menstrual history and current menstrual cycle,

  • Completing an energetic process to meet what wants to be witnessed, felt or processed by you during this PMS phase, and

  • Taking all of the insights you’ve received to expand with more Inner Knowing into your next cycle.

If this is your first time or cycle using the materials, please starting working through them from the top down.

Create a sacred space and allow for 2 - 3 hours to step through the materials sometime during your PMS phase.

As I mention throughout these resources, I recommend making an energetic commitment to use the reflective worksheets and guided meditations for at least 3 cycles to really see what shifts you create and insights emerge.

From this time onward, jump in here to watch a video or use a resource as it calls you - PMS phase or not!

All of the worksheets, guides and meditations can also be downloaded, so please consider doing this so you always have them on hand. I would recommend importing the meditations into your media player on your computer or phone (e.g. Music app on Apple) for the best audio experience.

Otherwise, you have access to this sacred space and resources for as long as the program exists, so please come back here whenever you feel called.

It’s an honour to witness you meeting the wisdom we can more closely access during our PMS phase (and bleed). I see you, and I am in awe.

My love,

Claire xo

  1. Welcome Video - START HERE

2. The Menstrual Cycle Explained

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Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

3. Are we NEVER Meant to Have PMS?

4. Menstrual History Reflections

5. Current Cycle Reflections

6. Guided Process - Receiving Cyclical Wisdom

Before beginning this guided process, create an intention of what you would like to meet with, uncover more information on, or receive wisdom from.

To create this intention: use the themes that have emerged from the reflections you have completed in the above worksheets, whilst also considering what physical, mental or emotional symptoms you are experiencing in this current PMS phase.

I recommend to write this intention down somewhere, and create it as an empowering statement. For example:

  • I wish to receive insight into the menstrual migraines I experience.

  • I journey to meet the anger/sadness/fear I am feeling to learn more about its origins, and release anything connected with this to feel more peaceful and grounded,

  • I open my awareness and energy to receive wisdom from my body, however it wishes to communicate it to me.

  • I wish to be shown where ‘x’ emotion/lived experience/conditioning lives within me, and to be shown how to transform it.

  • I journey to meet the cyclical energies that are inherently part of me, to learn how to harness rest, slowness and my intuition.

After then grounding and expanding your energy at the start of this guided process, I will then prompt you to bring your intention into your awareness.

Do not worry about having to memorise it or repeat it perfectly, just bring into your awareness the core theme and feeling of your intention - your body and energy will then take you where you need to travel!

For the best experience, use this with headphones, on a device where you can be comfortable.

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Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

7. Expanding Toward the Next Cycle

8. Cycle Tracker - BONUS

9. Expand & Surrender Meditation - BONUS

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

10. Blood Ritual Guide - BONUS

11. Closing Video

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Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

Copyright Claire Murray 2020