Amidst and beyond your cells, tissues, organs, hormones and bones, there are energies, emotions and beliefs living within your being.

It is these sacred aspects of you, in their totality, that long to be witness and expressed.

That come together to create health or dysfunction.

I’m Claire Murray, Energetic Herbalist, Intuitive Naturopath & Embodiment Facilitator.

Click here to check out my 1:1 transformation packages

I work with the health and lives of women (like you):

  • Who know their emotions and lived experiences impact their health as much as their diet and exercise regime.

  • Who longs to be free of the stories, conditionings and wounds that keep her seperate from who she truly is - whole and magnificent.

  • Who feels the call of her Soul and Earth and their role to play in her healing.

  • Whose symptoms are beckoning her to go deeper.

  • Who won't settle for the oft-dismissive medical approach.

  • Who desires to unearth what's really going on.

  • Who yearns to be in communion and connection with her body, in all its forms.

  • Who wishes to address her health concerns using a truly holistic way.

But most of all, I work with women who can feel the expansion and activation of what will come from clearing what is ready to be released:

  • Sustainable health - balanced hormones, improved mood, settled digestion

  • Elevated vitality

  • Harnessed energy

  • Magnetism and abundance

  • Deepened relationship with herself

  • Connection to her Soul and the Earth

  • Anchored self assurance


Sweet beauty, you are a Soul (energy) having a Human (physical) experience - the dance of both come together to create your precious Life and Health here and now.

Let’s go there. Into your energies. Back home to your body.

We’ll investigate, illuminate, and then elevate you into higher levels of health and vitality.

The time to start is now. Your body longs for a return to vibrancy, and the Earth and your dreams and purpose need you at your best.

If you’re feeling the call, it would be my honour to journey with you.

Hi Claire, But Who are You? 

Ah yes, a (damn) good question lady!

My path to here:

At 16 years of age I decided I was becoming a naturopath, and holistic healing has continued to call me ever since.

However, in the lead up to that point, I'd had a somewhat dynamic relationship with my skin, immune & digestive systems all my life, and like so many, it was employing natural medicine that saw me finally (finally!) turn some corners with it.

  • At 15, eating anything resulted in crippling stomach pain. Medically, allergy testing revealed I was allergic to cats & dust, which was nothing my nose couldn't already tell me. So rather than watch me waste away, Mum took me to a see a naturopath: an intolerance to gluten was picked up. My poor gut lining so inflamed & irritated that anything flared it at that point. My first gluten-free day following? Pain free, and it never returned.  

  • At 16yrs old, the capacity of our emotions to impact our physical health first became apparent to me. I was told I got the lead role in my schools musical. Sing and act (and even kiss my co-lead?!) on stage in front of hundreds of people? No sweat. Actually, queue me waking up in the following days with intense lower back pain that left me in bed, shuffling, or lying on the floor for our first rehearsals. My ever wise Mum showed me a resource highlighting the lower back being the foundation of where we hold and support ourselves, and the place where we store our deep fears around safety, connection and belonging. Nope, I wasn’t worried about failing on stage in front of everyone at all! This is still an area I continue to work on releasing today, highlighting how dealing with our emotions in the moment can avoid years of unpacking down the track!

  • Life, exams, relationships & stress came along in my late teens and early 20's, and a huge and persistent flare of eczema settled across ~70%  of my body. Obviously, that time in my life was lovely (read: riddled with anxiety, embarrassment & itching). However, it was also a catalyst to start making some real changes to my diet, healing my gut, focusing on skin-specific nutrition & exploring my emotions & how I responded to stress. Leaps and bounds occurred in my healing during this time, and I really understood the power of holistic healthcare within my own body. 

  • I completed my Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) in 2012.

  • I’ve walked some decent moments of reckoning when it comes to my body. Conditions delivering intense acute and prolonged chronic pain, big emotional and energetic wounds have asked me to walk with my body as it began to process and heal them. And while it may be intense, if we’re able to open to it, our body can certainly communicate just how much our emotions can impact our physicality.

  • In 2019 I completed my 12-month certification with the Soul Medicine Academy, mastering my Practitionership in the areas of intuition, energetic healing, emotional embodiment and release, and kinesiology. This qualification has totally opened and activated me to the capacities I have to assist peoples healing intuitively, energetically and physically, allowing us to foray into even deeper depths and higher expansion.

  • In 2019 I also completed courses in plant spirit communication, activating my capacity to work with either the physical or energetic properties of medicinal plants and herbs for my clients health. I have a specific interest in using plants you share your home and ecosystem with, as they are the ones best equipped to help you!

Healing your body and being is an interesting and miraculous journey. Down in the trenches when a lot is happening, it’s definitely easier to wish it all away. To take the pill, make things stop. But symptoms and dis-ease have SO much to speak to us about. So much they’re pointing to that wants to be cleared. If we can stay (whenever safe and appropriate), we’ll always reap the fruits of this.

To say my work is rewarding and humbling would be an almighty understatement. It's a gift to be able to journey to deeply into my being to understand why imbalances are arising, and facilitate this for other women too.

I wish this kind of health for all people, and is what I devote my life’s work and souls purpose toward.

Overall, connecting women back into their bodies and true self, and facilitating people to develop a deeper relationship with our Earth are my irrevocable reasons for being here and now, and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my days. Sharing all things energy and health whilst working with incredible people? I'll always be down for more of that! 

I'd love to share this powerful and transformative work with you. 

How I Can Help You:

1:1 Transformation Packages

100% unique to you, we discover & illuminate the energetic, emotional and physical drivers of your health issues, fusing together energy clearing and naturopathic treatments to catalyse your healing.

Digital Offerings

My heart-led, health expanding offerings to connect you deeper with your Soul, self and Earth.

Info via the Blog + Social Media

To connect deeper, register to receive my Stories of Remembering. Or, click the Musings button to read my blog and Instagram creations.

P.S. Some Fast Facts On Me:

1. I grew up on Queensland's Sunshine Coast and currently live in Brisbane, Queensland.

2. I'm married to Nathan. This guy's my rock, and oh how I love him. 

3. I am at home in the trees & mountains. Give me a wintery hinterland escape with a stream and some moss (so I can pretend I’m actually Claire from Outlander) and I’m set!

Archie at 12 weeks. My heart!

4. Chocolate. One of my 3 main loves (Nath above, Archie-man below).

5. We have a pup called Archie and the cuteness is off the richter. He’s here as a pup but he’s 2 now! Keep an eye on IG for his appearances.

6. My current travel dream is to whisk away for a lush Euro-Scandi traverse. Fareo Islands, Denmark, Italy, Greece, Turkey - ooft, always good ideas.